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All adoptions go through the State of Indiana Vital Records Department. For more information you can contact the adoptions manager at IDOH by calling 317-233-7380



Paternity Affidavit


A PA is a legal document that is signed in the hospital for parents who are not married. This document declares that the man who signs it is the legal father of the child. Please review the link  to better understand Paternal Rights.

**Always seek LEGAL council before signing any document you do not understand. **



Home Birth


For any parents wanting to have an at home birth, Ripley County Health Department asks that you come into our office for the Home Birth Worksheet that is required per State Law. 

Long Form Birth Certificates


If you are needing a long form birth certificate for any reason, it is required that you go through the State of Indiana to request that documentation. You can go to or call (866)601-0891

The Vital Records Division of the Ripley County Health Department handles all Ripley County Births and Deaths. If your loved one was born in or passed away in Ripley County, we will have the records of that birth or death.  We also handle Genealogy searches for Ripley County births and deaths occurring post 1900. Anything before that will be through the historical society.  Please find more information and links about this division below.

A legal name change is $157 in Ripley County, and will go through the County Clerks office. They will  send us the signed court papers for us to process and submit to the State of Indiana. You will then be able to apply for a new Birth Certificate with your new name on it. Please find the link to the website our County Clerk's office uses to print off the forms below. If you have any questions please reach out to our County Clerk's office at: (812)689-6115

Ripley County Health Department

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